TUFF Warranty

Our products are backed by a life-time warranty against manufacturing defects. This means that if you bought it, got it as a gift or even found it on the street by good fortune, we've got you covered (if you dropped it, tweaked it or just plain broke it we can still fix it but you're probably on the hook for any necessary replacement parts cost).

If you send something in for service, contact us prior to sending in any gear, so we can be sure to set up a warranty ticket and you have the correct info for shipping. Once we have your return, we'll get all repairs/replacements sorted and contact you for repair costs (if any) and return shipping fees (if applicable).

Because the above is hard for some to understand, we will spell it out:

Your pen is a mechanical item. It has moving parts. As you move said parts over and over, those parts will wear. Just like components on your car, certain parts are wear items. Wear items are NOT covered by warranty. However, if something fails prematurely, we will warranty the item.

Tuff Writer will, without charge, repair or replace, at Tuff Writer's discretion, any product returned for warranty work and found to be defective by us. The customer must contact Tuff Writer PRIOR to sending in a product to initiate warranty services at Service@TuffWriter.com. The product must be shipped by owner, prepaid and insured, together with a description of the problem and must be accompanied by the original bill of sale or any satisfactory proof of the original date of purchase. Tuff Writer will cover return shipment costs and insurance for valid claims.

Our Warranty does not cover normal signs of wear, rust, damage or breakage due to improper use, improper modification, or lack of maintenance. Lost fasteners, parts and hardware are not covered under warranty. Damage from user error or user carelessness is not covered under warranty. Worn out wear items are not covered by warranty. We design these pens to be serviceable and the parts replaceable over routine use and the lifespan of the item. If you neglect your pen, or it wears over continual use, you should be repairing it and servicing it just like your car. These pens are built to last a lifetime under normal use and upkeep - they are not disposable products. If you want to pen that you can use 'til it runs dry or wears out, buy a Bic. If you want a pen that will last with just a small amount of upkeep, and that if you damage you can get parts and service for: buy a Tuff Writer.

Any product we determine to be defective will be repaired or replaced at our discretion. No other warranties are implied or expressed other than what is specifically stated here.

If you break it, we will do our best to fix it.

Repair or replacement as provided under this Warranty is the exclusive remedy of the consumer. Tuff Writer shall not be liable for any incidental, reliance, or consequential damages or breach of implied Warranty on this product, including any damage to person or property. Tuff Writer’s liability under any circumstances is limited to the purchase price. Some states do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.